This Trust was registered on 09-Jan-2024 by SATYENDRA NARAYAN SINGH, S/O, D/O, W/O BABU LAL SINGH, resident of Road 03, Phase No. 02, Vastu Vihar Project-07, Rajendra Nagar, PS- Sector-12, B.S. City Bokaro, Bokaro.
The trust hereby established shall be named as “BOKARO WELFARE TRUST.”
The office of the Trust shall be situated at:
H/o- Sri Satyendra Narayan Singh, Plot No-JE-01, Road No.-03, Vastu Vihar, Phase-7, E-02, Project, Sector 12, Bokaro Steel City-827012.
The objectives for which the Trust is founded are:
a) To establish, maintain, develop, and ensure the welfare of the members, and to run social service centers and educational centers.
b) To establish training centers and allied educational institutions.
c) To establish skill development and livelihood enhancement projects in conjunction with the skill development program of the Government, as well as sports, art & cultural, and social institutions.
d) To generate funds and other amenities from Government, Semi-Government, private organizations, and others for the purpose of marriage for girls, widows, and the poor and weaker sections of society.
e) To spread and promote education and learning in all branches, more specifically in Science and Technology.
f) To advance Indian Culture and Literature, serving this country for the benefit of our nation.
g) To train teachers and workers in the ideals and practices of the true spirit of education and learning.
h) To establish research and training centers for the furtherance of education/learning in its various fields and branches.
i) To undertake propaganda, training, and education of the masses, either independently or in cooperation with similar agencies working for the all-round development of society.
j) To publish, sell, distribute books, periodicals, leaflets, brochures, and papers, and to open and maintain libraries and reading rooms for the promotion of the objects of the Trust.
k) To function as a non-communal Trust and as a secular organization.
l) To establish centers for employment generation.
m) To acquire and maintain movable and immovable properties for achieving the said objects.
n) To advance any other objects of general utility.
o) To confer titles on eminent personalities in the fields of Science, Education, Literature, etc.
p) To establish colleges to impart education in areas of higher education, especially in emerging fields like Electronics, Biotechnology, and other allied fields.
q) To promote education by providing training and educational facilities to the poor, weaker sections of society, and members.
r) To work for the promotion of health care, including preventive health care & sanitation, and to organize programs like yoga and meditation, etc.
s) To facilitate access to affordable insurance coverage for members to promote financial and social security.
t) To work for environmental sustainability, ecological balance, conservation of natural resources, and maintaining the quality of soil, water, and air.
u) To arrange funds for the attainment and better management of projects and objectives of the society.
v) To do all other lawful acts and activities as may be considered incidental or conducive to the attainment of the aforesaid objectives.
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